Enjoy the kids or lover, make for creative projects or fun times on MONDAY, this day promises some of the easiest flow of your week. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun engages the Uranus/Pluto square so you are going to be in there physically or on a personal level with the massive changes going on in your world and it will be about pushing yourself harder. Look to key people in the situation to move things along and aim at goals that involve your evolution rather than maintaining the status quo. All 3 days hold positive opportunities for tackling the paperwork, the job at hand, health concerns, or what's going on with the animals and all 3 days seem to give you some outside help financially, sexually or in divorce proceedings if you put in this effort. FRIDAY's NEW MOON is a whopper for you that is urging you most strongly to take things to the next level or find new situations involving romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or other key relationships. Again it is about your deep changes and how you are evolving, this is not a laid back fresh start, it is pushing you hard so step up. SATURDAY you may have to deal with something at home or with family but once you do the energy around love, fun and creativity takes off for you so embrace it. SATURDAY and SUNDAY are going to arm you with a lot of energy around the sex life, divorce, death, birth, or some financial matter. Saturday this means adjustments but Sunday it means all systems go, write things up, negotiate, meet, propose, share ideas, make short trips, its intense and open for change. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
MONDAY brings some of the easiest energy of the week and for you it is focused on your home, family, real estate, renovations, roommates, or parents. Look for ways to have fun, express your creativity or love, and enjoy the moment. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will see the Sun activating the Uranus/Pluto square so some major changes are on the way and you will be more physically or personally involved in these. Look at the work you need to do or your job, the paperwork, people you are hiring, co-workers, any health needs, or the animals involved as your place to step up and take charge. The changes will be aimed at legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, or belief systems more on Tuesday and on hospitals, addictions, behind the scenes work, artistic projects, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, research, or isolation by Thursday. All 3 days are offering you opportunities with those lovers, kids, creative ventures, or your recreational needs and they will all 3 days involve a key relationship so look to the partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other players for the good stuff. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON in your zone of work, health, paperwork, and animals. This is a very powerful new beginning for you so you may use today and the 2 weeks that follow to launch new projects or ambitions here or to take current situations to the next level. It's the right time to interview or audition, negotiate paperwork, launch your services, hire people, start a new health regime, see the doctor, or adopt a pet. Massive changes around this are pushing you hard to do something about evolving your situation now and these will again trigger the Uranus/Pluto areas of your life listed above as you move ahead here. SATURDAY the Jupiter final corner of the axis is activated bringing in some major talks, decisions or agreements involving home, real estate, renovations, moves, family, parents, or roommates and again they will push you towards growth situations. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will bring in a very strong relationship influence with Saturday requiring adjustments with the partners, reps, clients, specialists, or opponents, while Sunday opens all kinds of opportunities with or about these people tied to legal matters, wedding plans, travel, education, media, marketing, or publishing needs so go in strong. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Give yourself MONDAY to run around and catch up on local activities or make a few short trips, to tend to writing or catching up with people on the phone or in person, it looks as though you will have fun or find some creative or loving connections here and that this is your best day of the week to do so. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will see the Sun trigger the Uranus/Pluto square so your personal needs and physical presence will be aimed at what is going on with your creative projects, children, lover, or recreational interests and these days will push you hard to get more involved or make choices involving direction. Tuesday this will lean more towards what is going on sexually, financially, over divorce, mortality issues or reproductive needs, and the shared power, evolution of the situation or control, while Thursday will lean more towards your aspirations and anything social in the mix, your freedom or originality and how you break free or reinvent things. All 3 days will provide you opportunity between home, property, family, parents, and security and the health situation, work, paperwork, or animal needs. This should go well or give you ways forward each day. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON in your zone of true love, kids, creative projects, and recreation. This is a massive push forward so now that you have poured yourself earnestly into these zones at the first of the week you get a fresh start, one that opens up the next 2 weeks with potential to take things to the next level or start anew with fresh people or situations. This New Moon activates the Grand Cross so by SATURDAY it pushes you hard to work around income, possessions, purchases, and feeling valued as well as over the Uranus/Pluto themes of sex, finances, death, birth, divorce, friends, groups, aspirations, freedom, change, and individuality. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will give you focus on work, health, paperwork, or animals as well. Saturday this will require adjustments involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations but by Sunday you are seeing many open doors tied to financial aims, sexual needs, divorce proceedings, or third party scenarios. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
MONDAY is your day to make money, deal with possessions or make purchases and have some fun or let your creative juices flow while doing it so dive in! The rest of the week won't offer this ease of flow in these areas so today is the day. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will turn your focus to what the Sun is doing as he takes on the Uranus/Pluto square. This is about your putting more personal or physical energy on the home, with a parent, the family, a move, renovations, roommates, real estate deals, or your security needs. These days are going to push you hard because changes are part of the mix so you will be actively taking the lead here with an emphasis on partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or other important relationships more on Tuesday and with goals, career, a boss, parent or other authority figure, and your leadership by Thursday. All 3 days offer you potential to make positive choices, receive beneficial offers, come to terms, sign agreements, make sales, or get more active locally involving your creative projects, love life, lover, children, or recreational interests. This brings some nice balance to the more stressful aspects going on around you so take advantage of the love/creative flow. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON push that is going to move you forward to some new level or open up new situations over the next 2 week period involving your home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, real estate deals, or security needs. This is a highly active and change oriented fresh start for you and one that will dynamically boost you out there into some new territory affecting your year ahead so be proactive in choices. Expect that again it will be those key people in relationship and goals, parents, career, or other authority figures that will amp up motivational energy around the changes taking place and pushing forward this New Moon energy. SATURDAY will finalize the Grand Cross of New Moon energy by adding in something on a personal or physical level for you and your growth in the situation but it will also give you the means to motivate on money making opportunities or to deal with purchases or possessions properly. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will turn emotional energy to the love in your life, the kids, your creative projects, or recreational needs. There is a big adjustment here on Saturday as you handle the goals, career, parent, boss, or other authority figure but by Sunday things are revving along in powerful ways for you creatively, in love or with the kids and open up channels with partners, reps, clients, specialists, and other key players. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
If you want a day to pursue what it is YOU want or to do something for yourself, MONDAY is it. There is potential to travel, deal with legal matters, educational pursuits, wedding plans, media, marketing, or publishing needs, or adventure off somewhere today and this looks positive. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun will take on the Uranus/Pluto square so you will be more personally or physically involved in this powerful change dynamic during this period. For your sign this means more involvement with writing, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, speaking roles, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, short trips, community interests, or important decisions. TUESDAY more of this will focus on changes involving work, health, paperwork, people you hire, animals, or co-workers while THURSDAY it will hone back in on the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, or expansive changes. All 3 days will offer you opportunity when it comes to making money, dealing with possessions or making purchases. This is especially true all 3 days when aiming at home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate, or security needs. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON and the beginning of a 2 week dynamic that is going to propel you forward into new territory when it comes to writing, agreements, offers, sales, meetings, talks, brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, community efforts or interests, ideas, and decisions. You've been through what needed to change earlier in the week and now you get a bold new fresh start so look at taking things to the next level or introducing/meeting new people or situations as you advance. The Grand Cross this New Moon activates again involves changes and momentum around work, health, paperwork, animals, people you hire, legal, educational, wedding, travel, and media interests. SATURDAY the behind the scenes part of the Grand Cross will be activated giving you energy behind hospitals, the arts, spiritual interests, romantic getaways, research, or rest and strategies. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will also focus on home, family, parents, moves, roommates, real estate deals, or renovations with Saturday asking for adjustments and Sunday opening up potential to come to terms, receive offers, write, make sales, or decisions and invoke more positive, powerful evolution around that work, paperwork, health interest, or the animals. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Give yourself MONDAY to spend some time behind closed doors. You could take advantage of this day to connect intimately with someone sexy, to motivate on financial needs, to get to the hospital or do what you can about a life/death situation, to see someone about a sexual dysfunction or reproductive need, or to strategize about the divorce. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will see the Sun cross the Uranus/Pluto square so you will be more personally or physically focused on making money, purchasing or dealing with possessions as the massive change agents push and pull against you. Tuesday this will be more around creative efforts, the kids, your lover/love life, or recreational interests, while by Thursday it will be more about the joint finances or outside resources, divorce, sex life, death, birth, or third party situation. All 3 days offer you potential when it comes to your own needs and an agreement, sale, negotiation, offer, writing, meeting, talk, sibling, neighbor, vehicles, electronics, short trip, community interest, or important decisions. These are good for getting serious about the love or money in the mix. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON and your fresh start when it comes to making money, your possessions or purchases. You've been through the tests and changes earlier in the week and now you have 2 strong weeks ahead of you to make choices and move into new territory. You may take current situations to new levels or embark on something brand new. This New Moon activates a Grand Cross pattern so the creative projects, kids, lover, recreational interests, outside financial situation, sex life, divorce, death, birth, third party situation, and the aspiration, invention, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or original vision will all be wound tightly around what spins you out there towards your future income, purchases or possessions. SATURDAY the New Moon momentum is going to push you to do something behind the scenes and to expand on concepts and possibilities. SATURDAY and SUNDAY there is also big energy brewing around local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, writing, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, and decisions. Saturday this will mean adjustments as you field financial, sexual or divorce needs but by Sunday it will mean open doors to powerful change and evolvement involving your creative efforts, love life, kids, or recreational pursuits. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
The week ahead is going to be a whopper for you Libra so take advantage of the social flow on MONDAY and spend time with friends, online, over your astrology, charities, in groups, pursuing aspirations, and connecting with partners, clients, reps, specialists, or other important relationships. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun in your sign will run the Uranus/Pluto gauntlet so you will be in there hard and heavy on a personal or physical level pushing things forward or making and responding to changes. Tuesday this will focus more on home, family, real estate, renovations, moves, roommates, parents, or your security needs while by Thursday it will aim more at the partner, attorney, agents, clients, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. Overall it is about you, your body, personal needs, image, identity, name, brand, or ego drive and how you are evolving through these motivating factors. All 3 days will offer you opportunities to make money, deal with possessions or make purchases that align with what you are doing behind the scenes or in some artistic, romantic, spiritual, or hospital direction. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON in your sign so now that you have figured out what needed to change and where you wanted to be you are being given a 2 week window starting today to launch yourself in some new direction or to take it to the next level. Again, what do you want for your physical well being, can you start a diet, work-out routine, see a doctor, hire a trainer, improve upon your image, get a new hairstyle, wardrobe, head shots, or is there a new personal goal you have set, some new level for the brand or a new title, identity or name on the horizon? This New Moon activates the Grand Cross so all wrapped around your fresh start will be the motivating factors of home, real estate, moves, roommates, family, parents, security needs, renovations, partners, reps, clients, competitors, specialists, and by SATURDAY also involve goals, career, parents, bosses, judges, reputation, fame, or achievements. Do say yes to something social on Saturday since friends, the internet, astrology, charities, groups, and aspirations are working on your behalf. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will also give you money making potential or amp things up around the possessions or purchases. Saturday this will mean adjustments in these areas involving the partner, rep, clients, specialists, or competition while Sunday it will mean opportunity through talks, meetings, writing, sales, offers, agreements, short trips, and what you do at home, with property, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
MONDAY gives you the go when it comes to career or personal goals so use the opportunity to tackle the work before you, deal with associates, co-workers and people you hire, tend to the details, wrap up paperwork, or project this end game on health or animal needs. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun will cross the Uranus/Pluto square so you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into something going on behind the scenes, in strategy or development, with hospitals or addictions, over film, music or art, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, or your imagination. This will be amped up big time around changes and evolution with Tuesday feeling it more through talks, offers, agreements, writing, sales, meetings, short trips, and decisions and by Thursday coming tied to work, health, pets, or paperwork. All 3 days offer you potential around your aspirations, friendships, group activities, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, parties, events, freedom, original ideas, and inventions so keep it coming in these fields. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON in that behind the scenes arena and begins your best 2 week window of the year to launch forward in some new direction or take current interests to the next level. Again, you've figured out what needed to change during the week with the Sun/Uranus/Pluto energy and now you can head off into fresh territory so look at the film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, dreams, imagination, romantic getaway, spiritual direction, hospital needs, addictions, rest, recuperation, research, investigations, and development and what you would now like to embark upon to take it higher. This New Moon activates the Grand Cross so again the talks, writing, agreements, sales, meetings, offers, ideas, decisions, work, health, paperwork, animals, and by SATURDAY the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, or publishing needs will help propel this new target. Add some extra passion around reaching goals on Saturday, it can take you places. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will also focus on you and your needs. This can take the form of your physical health and well being, getting active, dealing with image, body or brand, or motivating on identity or name. Saturday expect adjustments here around paperwork, the job, health, or pets but by Sunday for things to open up and brings powerful information at your disposal via a talk, agreement, meeting, offer, writing, sale, or decision. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Take advantage of MONDAY's positive energy wrapped around travel, legal, educational, media, and wedding interests and motivate to make things happen. Your love life, kids, creative projects, or recreational interests could dovetail nicely with what you do. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun crosses the Uranus/Pluto square and pushes you harder when it comes to your position or involvement with friends, a group, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, a party or event, your invention or original concept, or your freedom. This is about pouring more personal and physical energy into these subjects and dealing with changes that on Tuesday will point at your income, possessions or purchases and by Thursday aim at creative needs, love life, kids, or recreation. All 3 days will offer you potential to move towards goals or excel in some way on the career front, with ambitions or with those in authority positions like the boss, parent or judge. Look at what you can do behind the scenes, in development, on the artistic end of things or the spiritual side, with romantic needs or hospitals, research or addictions. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON launch that gives you 2 weeks starting today to move ahead into new territory or take things to the next level with your aspirations and dreams, your friends and groups, the internet, astrology, charities, original ideas, inventions, and freedom. You had the first part of the week to deal with changes and see where you stood, now you can project yourself out there in new ways. This New Moon activates the Grand Cross so more changes in the new arenas will help boost your forward motion and involve money, possessions, purchases, lovers, kids, creative projects, or fun on Friday while adding in outside financial resources or needs, the sex life or divorce by SATURDAY. Motivate on Saturday on the trip, legal, media, educational, or wedding interest since the direction looks positive. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will bring more going on behind the scenes, with art, spiritual interests, romance, hospitals, addictions, rest, research, investigations, or development. Saturday this will mean adjustments around your creative needs, lover or kids but by Sunday you will see things really flow for you, especially where making money, purchases or possessions are concerned. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
If you want to do something financially, sexually or about the divorce, MONDAY is your day to set things in motion. You may be able to carry this out at home or there may be something shifting in all of this tied to property needs, real estate deals, moves, renovations, roommates, family, or parents. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun will activate the Uranus/Pluto square and push you hard to enter into the picture on a personal or physical level regarding your goals, reputation, achievements, career, or dealings with the powers that be like the boss, parent or judge. Change is the name of the game as you are pushing this harder on yourself or tied to your presence, body, image, identity, name, brand, or ego drive on Tuesday and then more towards home, real estate, family, parents, moves, renovations, roommates, or security needs by Thursday. All 3 days offer you openings around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. All 3 days you can motivate on the aspirations you have here or involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social events to the best advantage. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON and the beginning of a very powerful 2 week window that will help you launch in new directions or take things to the next level in your current parameter involving your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, parent, boss, judge, or achievements. You saw what you had to do earlier in the week over the square to Uranus/Pluto and changes that you got involved in and now you can take that matter out there towards wider horizons. This New Moon activates the Grand Cross so more changes and motivating factors towards these goals will involve your own identity or needs, the home, family, real estate, move, renovation, parent, or roommates, and by SATURDAY the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or other key people. It's your time to shine, take the spotlight. Saturday can help you advance through sexual, financial or divorce channels. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will open up social arenas for you so look to what you can do with friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, parties, events, and social networking. Saturday will involve adjustments in this as you field home, real estate, or family matters but by Sunday your social picture is green lit and you are in positive alignment to further aims. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Focus in on your partners, reps, clients, specialists, or the competition on MONDAY since this is the best day this week for talks, offers, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, or decisions involving other people. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun will cross the Uranus/Pluto square and push you hard to get more personally or physically involved with travel plans, people at a distance, import/export, legal matters, educational pursuits, wedding plans, media, marketing, or publishing needs, or your beliefs. This is intense energy asking for evolvement in these areas with an emphasis on what is going on behind the scenes or in secret on Tuesday and on the choices or offers by Thursday. All 3 days offer you positive vibes around your sex life, divorce proceedings, financial needs, or third party situations and wrap you up here around your goals or career direction so find ways to commit energy to what you want to achieve in these realms. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON and it opens up a 2 week window for you to now take things to a higher level or get a fresh start with new opportunities in the legal, travel, distant, wedding, media, educational, marketing, or publishing realms. You have been through the challenges this week to your ego and now know what you want to do going forward. It seems more changes will accompany the fresh direction you take as the Grand Cross is activated alongside this New Moon and more behind the scenes energy, secrets, development, agreements, offers, proposals, writing, sales, moves, or decisions push you ahead and by SATURDAY involve work, paperwork, health, or pets as well. You can get something going with that partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, or competitor on Saturday. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will also give you energy around goals, ambitions, career, the boss, parent, judge, or achievements. Saturday this will involve adjustments around choices but by Sunday you will see things coming together with some decisions that are bound to be powerful. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Take advantage of the positive alignments on MONDAY to get work done or pursue work, interview or audition, tackle paperwork, pursue health interests, care for pets or animals, and hire help. There may be some nice money making potential here or you may see possessions or purchases go your way. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Sun crosses the Uranus/Pluto square so you are going to be tossed into a financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party situation and need to take the lead as you get more personally or physically involved in the changes. Tuesday this will aim more towards your aspirations or involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or freedom issues while Thursday will aim more towards income, feeling valued, possessions, or purchases. All 3 days offer you potential with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key players and the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, or publishing needs so make sure you are doing what it takes here. FRIDAY is the NEW MOON opening up your 2 week window ahead to take things to the next level or start fresh with new people or situations and this is going to focus on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, settlements, investments, commissions, insurance, taxes, child support, or partner's money. You had the Sun/Uranus/Pluto activation earlier in the week to push you into situations that should have shown you your limits or needs and now the New Moon is opening up fresh territory so what do you want? This New Moon is hyper active so you will be too and it activates the Grand Cross so in this fresh start more social ramifications, aspirations, money making, possessions, purchases, and by SATURDAY more love, kids, creative projects, or fun will be motivating your choices. You should be able to do something about the paperwork, job, co-workers, employees, health needs, or pets on Saturday. SATURDAY and SUNDAY will also point out any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or publishing interests. Saturday this will mean making adjustments around the income, possessions or purchases but by Sunday it will mean things smooth out and you can open up powerful choices involving your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social gatherings. For a deeper look at what is going on in your life email Zoe for potential dates and her rates for a private reading based on your unique birth blueprint, there is so much more to see:zoemoonastrology@gmail.com